

A quick overview of Johnson & Johnson (JNJ.US) ratings today, up to $182

Futu News ·  Apr 18 17:23  · Ratings

On April 17, analysts at major Wall Street analysts update their rating for$Johnson & Johnson (JNJ.US)$, with the target price ranging from $161 to $182.

BofA Securities analyst Geoff Meacham maintained with holding rating, and reiterated the target price of $170;

Leerink Partners analyst David Risinger maintained with buying rating, and reiterated the target price of $182.

Furthermore, according to the comprehensive report, the opinions of Johnson & Johnson's main analysts recently are as follows:

  • While the company's underlying utilization trends appeared positive, it delivered in-line sales and EPS beat for Q1. The company's stable to improving stacked 2-year growth also implies that its fundamentals are strong.

  • Although the company shows a 'solid' Q1 and unchanged reported guidance midpoint, its shares traded down due to disappointing Carvykti sales and the Vision business. The institution suggests that commercial execution from key growth franchises should remain the focus for the company and investor sentiment can improve on better-than-expected quarterly performance and pipeline readouts.

Here are the latest investment ratings and price targets for $Johnson & Johnson (JNJ.US)$ from 3 analysts:


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