
港股异动 | Keep(03650)盘中涨超15% 公司深化AI探索布局海外市场 多家券商机构给予“增持”评级

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Keep (03650) rose more than 15% in the intraday period, the company deepened AI exploration and layout in overseas markets, and many brokerage institutions gave “gain” ratings

Zhitong Finance ·  Apr 18 11:02

Keep (03650) has been active recently, and Southbound Capital has continued to buy. Over the past 60 days, Southbound has bought Keep over HK$160 million. As of press release, Keep rose 12.54% to HK$6.3 with a turnover of HK$102 million.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Keep (03650) has been active recently, and Southbound Capital has continued to buy. In the past 60 days, Southbound Capital has bought more than HK$160 million. As of press release, Keep rose 12.54% to HK$6.3 with a turnover of HK$102 million.

According to the news, Keep recently announced through the launch of the new version that it will expand the field of outdoor and AI, and emphasized in the latest performance report that it will actively explore application opportunities of AI technology in overseas markets in the future, use AI to drive innovation, and provide users with more innovative sports experiences, thus attracting new user groups and exploring new commercialization opportunities. Furthermore, after the release of Keep's earnings report, authoritative brokerage institutions such as Guoxin Securities, Cathay Pacific Junan, and Debon Securities all expressed optimism about future development and gave them an “increase in holdings” rating.

Analysts said that the current market value of Keep is about HK$3.3 billion, while as of December 31, 2023, the cash and cash equivalent on its account was 1.6 billion yuan. Judging from this figure, Keep's current stock price is seriously undervalued. Meanwhile, increasing AI investment and outdoor scene exploration is expected to bring all new volume to Keep and further fix Keep's stock price.

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