
连发2篇国际医学顶刊《柳叶刀》 江苏这一团队有望改写冠心病国际治疗指南

Published 2 articles in a row in the top international medical journal “The Lancet”, a team from Jiangsu is expected to rewrite the international treatment guidelines for coronary heart disease

Zhitong Finance ·  Apr 17 10:26
Recently, two groundbreaking research results carried out by Professor Chen Shaoliang's team from the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at Nanjing First Hospital were published in the official issue of the top international medical journal “The Lancet”. These two clinical practices from China have provided China's solutions for interventional treatment of coronary heart disease in the world, expanded the international influence of coronary heart disease clinical research in China, and will fill the gaps in Chinese and Western cardiovascular treatment guidelines. The reporter learned that both studies revolved around a serious coronary heart disease — acute coronary syndrome.

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