
港股异动 | 优必选(09880)现涨超6% Walker S亮相百度AI开发者大会 公司此前称年底小批量量产

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Preferred Choice (09880) is now up more than 6% Walker S appeared at Baidu AI Developers Conference. The company previously said it would be mass-produced in small batches by the end of the year

Zhitong Finance ·  Apr 17 09:43

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Premium Choice (09880) is now up more than 6%. As of press release, it has risen 3.21% to HK$160.9, with a turnover of HK$15.6073 million.

According to the news, on April 16, at the Create 2024 Baidu AI Developers Conference, the preferred humanoid robot Walker S “airborne” site, showcased the AI large model+humanoid robot application. According to reports, on April 2, Baidu and YoubiChuan announced that they had reached a strategic cooperation. Preferred Choice's humanoid robot Walker S will connect to Baidu Wenxin's big model through the Baidu Smart Cloud Qianfan AppBuilder platform to develop task scheduling applications, showing that the robot's execution capabilities are more detailed.

Furthermore, on April 9, Jiao Jichao, vice president and executive director of the Research Institute, revealed in an exclusive interview that the humanoid robot Walker S developed by the company plans to achieve small-batch mass production before the end of the year. Currently, this robot is undergoing “practical training” at NIO Auto Factory, and the team is optimizing and iterating software and processing data according to the actual situation of the production line. According to reports, Preferential Choice has already made contact with dozens of leading domestic NEV companies to advance the demand for humanoid robots.

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