
蓝海华腾(300484.SZ)多位股东减持期满 实际减持204万股

Many shareholders of Blue Ocean Huateng (300484.SZ) actually reduced their holdings by 2.04 million shares at the end of the reduction period

Zhitong Finance ·  Apr 17, 2024 01:17

Blue Ocean Huateng (300484.SZ) announced that Qiu Wenyuan, the controlling shareholder of the company, and his co-actors, Shenzhen Minghua Xinde...

Zhitong Finance App News, Blue Ocean Huateng (300484.SZ) announced that Qiu Wenyuan, the controlling shareholder of the company, and his co-actors Shenzhen Minghua Xinde Private Equity Fund Management Co., Ltd. - Minghua Sinde New Economy Phase I Private Equity Investment Fund (“Minghua Sinde New Economy Phase I Fund”), Pingtan Lanhai Huateng Investment Co., Ltd. (“Huateng Investment”), Pingtan Lanhai Zhongteng Investment Co., Ltd. (“Zhongteng Investment”); directors Xu Xuehai, Jiang Wen, and Shenzhen Minghua Xinde Private Equity Fund Management Co., Ltd. - 100% owned by Shenzhen Minghua Xinde Private Equity Fund Management Co., Ltd. Sindh New Economy Private Equity Investment Fund (“Minghua Sindh New Economy Fund”), Fu Ying and Shenzhen Minghua Sindh Private Equity Fund Management Co., Ltd. - Minghua Sindh New Economy Phase II Private Equity Investment Fund (“Minghua Sindh New Economy Phase II Fund”), and Shi Renshuai's share reduction plan period has expired.

Pingtan Blue Ocean Huateng Investment Co., Ltd. actually reduced its holdings of the company's shares in the secondary market by 1.15 million shares, accounting for 0.55% of the company's total share capital. Pingtan Blue Ocean Zhongteng Investment Co., Ltd. actually reduced its holdings of the company's shares by 390,000 shares to the secondary market, accounting for 0.19% of the company's total share capital. Director Fu Ying and the Shenzhen Minghua Sindh Private Equity Fund Management Co., Ltd. - Minghua Sindh New Economy Phase II Private Equity Investment Fund actually reduced their holdings of the company's shares by 500,000 shares to the secondary market, accounting for 0.24% of the company's total share capital.

In addition, the controlling shareholder Qiu Wenyuan transferred 925,000 shares internally to it, holding 100% of the private equity product, Minghua Sindh New Economy Phase I Fund, accounting for 0.44% of the company's total share capital. Directors Xu Xuehai, Jiang Zhongwen, and Shi Renshuai did not actually reduce the company's shares to the secondary market.

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