
Get Ready to Step Onto the Court as the NBA Returns to StarHub

Get Ready to Step Onto the Court as the NBA Returns to StarHub

隨着 NBA 重返 StarHub,準備好踏上球場
星和 ·  04/16 12:00

The 2023-24 NBA season is available only on StarHub

2023-24 NBA 賽季僅在 StarHub 上線


Singapore, 16 April 2024 – StarHub is thrilled to announce that it has secured exclusive broadcasting rights for the 2023-24 NBA season in Singapore. From 17 April 2024, the season will kickstart with the Play-In games, all through to the NBA Finals in June.

新加坡,2024 年 4 月 16 日 — StarHub很高興地宣佈,它已獲得新加坡2023-24賽季NBA賽季的獨家轉播權。從2024年4月17日起,本賽季將以附加賽拉開序幕,一直持續到6月的NBA總決賽。

This upcoming season promises to deliver unparalleled excitement with favourites Denver Nuggets and the Boston Celtics vying for the title. Basketball fans will be able to catch the action and support their favourite teams on StarHub, the Home of Sports, with Sports+ access. Following the Play-in games, the Playoffs will commence on 20 April, NBA Conference Semifinals on 7 May, with the Finals concluding the season on 6 June.

即將到來的賽季有望帶來無與倫比的刺激,熱門丹佛掘金隊和波士頓凱爾特人隊爭奪冠軍。籃球迷將能夠通過 Sports+ 訪問權限在體育之鄉StarHub上觀看比賽並支持他們最喜歡的球隊。在附加賽之後,季後賽將於4月20日開始,NBA半決賽將於5月7日開始,總決賽將於6月6日結束本賽季。

With StarHub TV+, fans will also be able to catch the games on multiple devices, access on-demand highlights, and rewind to watch key moments again at their convenience. Available to all Sports+ pass customers from $25.46/month, or $45.83/month without a contract, customers can catch games from the 2023-24 NBA season on Hub Sports 2, Channel 202.

藉助StarHub TV+,粉絲們還可以在多臺設備上觀看比賽,觀看點播精彩片段,並在方便時重溫關鍵時刻。所有Sports+通行證客戶均可在Hub Sports 2的202頻道觀看2023-24賽季NBA賽季的比賽,起價爲每月25.46美元,沒有合同則爲每月45.83美元。

Two new Sports bundles are also available for customers to complete their sports viewing experience on StarHub TV+ from just $45/month. These bundles come with premium sports content such as the Premier League, complete Sports+ pass, as well as a complimentary TV+ PRO box with Bang & Olufsen speakers, mirroring a front-row seat experience for all sports fans.

兩個新的體育套餐還可供客戶在StarHub TV+上完成體育賽事觀看體驗,每月僅需45美元。這些套餐包含優質體育內容,例如英超聯賽、完整的 Sports+ 通行證,以及帶有 Bang & Olufsen 揚聲器的免費 TV+ PRO 盒子,爲所有體育迷提供前排座位體驗。

For more information on StarHub's Sport+ pass and bundles, please visit

有關 StarHub 的 Sport+ 通行證和套餐的更多信息,請訪問

Please find the NBA SoFi Play-In Tournament 2024 Schedule here:

請在此處查看 2024 年 NBA SoFi 入圍錦標賽賽程:





7.30 am to 10.00am

LA Lakers vs New Orleans Pelicans


10.00am to 12.30pm

Golden State Warriors vs Sacramento Kings


7.00am to 9.30am

Miami Heat vs Philadelphia 76ers


9.30am to 12.00pm

Atlanta Hawks vs Chicago Bulls




4 月 17 日至 24 日

上午 7 點 30 分至上午 10 點

洛杉磯湖人 vs 新奧爾良鵜鶘

4 月 17 日至 24 日


金州勇士 vs 薩克拉門託國王

4 月 18 日至 24 日

早上 7 點到上午 9 點 30 分

邁阿密熱火 vs 費城 76 人隊

4 月 18 日至 24 日

上午 9 點 30 分至下午 12 點

亞特蘭大鷹 vs 芝加哥公牛

