
三连板春光科技:公司股价可能存在下跌风险 2023年度业绩大幅下滑

Triple board Chunguang Technology: There is a risk that the company's stock price will fall sharply in 2023 performance

Gelonghui Finance ·  Apr 16 17:43
Gelonghui, April 16 | Chunguang Technology issued a stock trading risk warning notice. The company's stock price may be at risk of falling. From April 12 to April 16, 2024, the company's stock price rose and stopped for three consecutive trading days. The short-term increase was large, and there may be a risk of falling after a large short-term increase. There is a risk of a sharp decline in the company's 2023 performance. On January 31, 2024, the company disclosed the “Chunguang Technology 2023 Annual Performance Forecast”. It is expected to achieve net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies of RMB 27.5 million to RMB 41.2 million in 2023, a year-on-year decrease of 72.04% to 58.11%, a sharp decline from the company's performance in the same period last year.

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