
湖南发展(000722.SZ)拟于衡东县新设子公司 统筹开发该地区新能源项目

Hunan Development (000722.SZ) plans to establish a new subsidiary in Hengdong County to coordinate the development of new energy projects in the region

Zhitong Finance ·  Apr 16 16:45

Hunan Development (000722.SZ) announced that the company plans to use its own funds to invest in Hengdong County, Hengyang City, Hunan Province...

Zhitong Finance App News, Hunan Development (000722.SZ) announced that the company plans to use its own capital to invest in the establishment of a wholly-owned subsidiary Hunan Development Xiaochu Renewable Energy Co., Ltd. (tentative name) in Hengdong County, Hengyang City, Hunan Province to coordinate the development of new energy projects in the region, with a registered capital of 10 million yuan.

According to the announcement, the investment to establish a wholly-owned subsidiary is based on the company's need to promote the development of new energy projects, which will help the company focus on its core energy business position and strengthen and improve its core energy business.

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