
启明医疗-B(02500.HK):未经授权贷款及质押存款的进一步更新 继续停牌

Kai Ming Medical-B (02500.HK): Further updates on unauthorized loans and pledge deposits continue to be suspended

Gelonghui Finance ·  Apr 16 06:46

Gelonghui, April 16, 丨 Qiming Medical-B (02500.HK) issued an announcement. As of the date of this announcement, an unauthorized pledge deposit of RMB 100 million provided by Hangzhou Qiyi (a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company) to guarantee the Hangzhou Kuntai loan (due to expire on April 14, 2024) has been released from the relevant bank and further withdrawn by the company from the bank. Furthermore, as of the date of this announcement, Hangzhou Qiyi has received interest income of RMB 2,0506 million on these deposits. As of the date of this announcement, the full amount of time deposits previously pledged by the Group to guarantee the loan and which had not yet been released on the date of the forensic investigation announcement were released by the relevant banks.

The company is still in negotiations with relevant parties to determine the repayment date for the RMB 80 million loan. The company will issue further announcements in due course. Trading of the company's shares has been suspended on the Stock Exchange, and trading will continue to be suspended pending agreement on the resumption guidelines stipulated by the Stock Exchange.

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