China Post Securities released a research report on April 12 stating that it gave Xintian Pharmaceutical (002873.SZ) a purchase rating. The main reasons for the rating include: 1) the company's performance is under phased pressure, and cost investment is being adjusted to focus on long-term development; 2) channel expansion is being further promoted, production capacity is continuously strengthened, and core competitiveness is continuously consolidated; 3) the intention to control Huilun Pharmaceutical through equity acquisition to deepen the small molecule chemical business layout, which is expected to enhance the company's performance. (Mainichi Keizai Shimbun)
China Post Securities released a research report on April 12 stating that it gave Xintian Pharmaceutical (002873.SZ) a purchase rating. The main reasons for the rating include: 1) the company's performance is under phased pressure, and cost investment is
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