
工信部进一步加大高性能智算供给 光模块仍是AI建设中确定性最高板块

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has further increased the supply of high-performance intelligent computing optical modules, which is still the most deterministic sector in AI construction ·  Apr 12 08:10

① Vice Minister of Industry and Information Technology Shan Zhongde said at a press conference on April 11 that the supply of high-performance intelligent computing will be increased and intelligent computing centers will be built at computing power hubs. ② Southwest Securities believes that optical modules are the most beneficial and deterministic sector for AI. Demand is expected to explode in '24 as big model manufacturers accelerate AI construction, and the intention to add orders is strong and the pace is frequent.

Vice Minister of Industry and Information Technology Shan Zhongde said at a press conference on April 11 that he will build a system integrating basic industrial computing power resources and application capabilities, speed up the deployment of industrial edge data centers, and promote the collaborative development of “cloud-side” computing power. Increase the supply of high-performance intelligent computing and build intelligent computing centers at computing power hubs.

Nvidia released its latest product GB200 on GTC2024, which is expected to drive the upgrading of demand for AI optical modules from the 800G generation to the 1.6T generation. Meanwhile, in OFC 2024, solutions such as single-wave 200G, LPO, and CPO showed a rapid development trend and attracted great attention in the industry. Southwest Securities believes that optical modules are the most beneficial and most deterministic sector for AI. Looking at downstream demand, 22 was the first year of 800G, with market shipments of about 10,000 units. 23 was the initial year. 24 was the initial year. As big model manufacturers accelerated AI construction, the will to increase orders was strong and the pace was frequent. It is expected that demand will usher in explosive growth.

According to the Finance Federation's theme library, among the relevant listed companies:

Zhongji Innotech has launched 800G/1.6T silicon optical high-performance intensity modulation direct inspection and coherent detection optical module solutions for artificial intelligence and data center applications.

Tianfu Communications is one of the world's largest optical communication passive device solution manufacturers. Over the years, it has expanded to cover all upstream categories of optical modules, and has formed OEM/ODM solutions for high-speed optical devices, and has 13 major product lines and eight major solutions.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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