
稀土永磁概念股快速拉升 银河磁体涨近10%

Rare earth permanent magnet concept stocks quickly boosted Galaxy Magnets by nearly 10%

Zhitong Finance ·  Apr 9 11:04
Galaxy Magnets rose nearly 10%, Keheng shares and Shenghe Resources rose more than 5%, and China Rare Earth, Zhongke Magnetic, Dragon Magnetic Technology, and Ningbo Yunsheng followed suit. According to the news, Baichuan Fuying data shows that on April 8, the prices of several heavy and heavy rare varieties collectively rebounded. Among them, heavy rare earth terbium oxide surged 5%, and light rare earth praseodymium oxide increased by more than 3%. Since the end of March, rare earth prices have continued to rebound, with a cumulative increase of more than 10% for terbium oxide.

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