
国投证券4月9日发布研报称,给予奥马电器(002668.SZ)买入评级。评级理由主要包括:1)冰箱冷柜出口高增,奥马有望持续受益;2)维度一:中国对欧洲冰箱冷柜的出口量有望长期增长;3)维度二:TCL 冰洗业务正式并表,协同效应长期显现;4)维度三:主要子公司少数股权回购进入关键期。(每日经济新闻)

SDIC Securities released a research report on April 9 stating that Omar Electric (002668.SZ) was given a purchase rating. The main reasons for the rating include: 1) there is a high increase in refrigerator and freezer exports, and Omar is expected to con

Zhitong Finance ·  Apr 9 10:45
SDIC Securities released a research report on April 9 stating that Omar Electric (002668.SZ) was given a purchase rating. The main reasons for the rating include: 1) there is a high increase in refrigerator and freezer exports, and Omar is expected to continue to benefit; 2) Dimension 1: China's export volume of refrigerators and freezers to Europe is expected to grow in the long term; 3) Dimension 2: The TCL ice washing business is officially consolidated, and the synergy effect is showing over a long period; 4) Dimension 3: Minority share repurchases of major subsidiaries have entered a critical period. (Mainichi Keizai Shimbun)

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