
亚虹医药(688176.SH):APL-1706已达到Ⅲ期临床试验主要研究终点 上市申请已获受理

Yahong Pharmaceutical (688176.SH): APL-1706 has reached the main research endpoint of phase III clinical trials. The application for marketing has been accepted

Zhitong Finance ·  Apr 8 15:56
Yahong Pharmaceutical (688176.SH) issued an announcement. The results of the company's APL-1706 multi-center clinical trial for bladder cancer diagnosis were selected for the 39th European Urological Medical Association (EAU) in 2024, and phase III clinical trial data was released in the form of an oral report. APL-1706 is currently the only developer drug approved in the world to aid bladder cancer diagnosis or surgery. Through combined use with a blue light cystoscope, it can effectively improve the detection rate of bladder cancer (especially the detection rate of cancer in situ (CIS)), make surgical resection more complete, thereby reducing the recurrence rate of tumors.

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