
中新集团(601512.SH)子公司中新港华拟斥1.53亿元收购9家公司全部股权 扩大光伏资产规模

Sino-Singapore China, a subsidiary of the China News Group (601512.SH), plans to spend 153 million yuan to acquire all shares in 9 companies to expand the scale of photovoltaic assets

Zhitong Finance ·  Apr 8 15:54
China News Group (601512.SH) announced that the company's indirect holding subsidiary Zhongxin Green Energy (Suzhou) Energy Co., Ltd. (“China China”) intends to acquire all of the shares (“target shares”) of the nine target companies held by the nine subsidiaries indirectly controlled by Hong Kong China Gas Co., Ltd. (“China Gas”) through an agreed transfer to obtain China Gas's 33.534945 MW photovoltaic power generation project at a purchase price of 153 million yuan.

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