
深桑达A:公共数据授权运营领域今年突破数十座城市 三年完成科技化转型|公司调研

Shenzhen Sanda A: The field of public data licensing operations broke through dozens of cities this year to complete technological transformation in three years|Company Research ·  Apr 4 08:52

① In terms of in-depth layout of data infrastructure and public data licensing operations, Shenzhen Sanda A plans to establish the China Electronic Cloud Data Innovation Application Industry Alliance this year, and the public data authorization operation field will break through dozens of cities this year; ② Shenzhen Sanda A recently released its first special plan for scientific and technological innovation since its establishment. It plans to complete technological transformation in three years, and revenue from self-developed products in the digital and information services sector has experienced significant growth.

Financial Services Association, April 3 (Reporter Fu Jing) The National Data Administration made it clear at the first National Data Work Conference that has just come to an end that it will launch a pilot data labeling base, push forward market-based data allocation reforms, support public data development, and allow data to “be supplied, flowable, and used well.”

As the largest central enterprise in China's electronic information field and a core participant in China's electronic data innovation business, Shenzhen Sanda A (000032.SZ) is currently deeply laying out aspects such as data infrastructure and authorized operation of public data, making it one of the A-share data element concept stocks receiving the most attention in the market.

“Sanda should achieve domestic leadership in core products and technologies such as computing, data, artificial intelligence, digital cities, communication terminals, and high-tech industrial services as soon as possible.” At the Shenzhen Sanda A Science and Technology Innovation Plan press conference held recently, the company's party committee secretary and chairman Si Yuncong said.

This conference was the first time since the company was founded in 1993 to release a special plan for scientific and technological innovation. The Finance Association reporter took this opportunity to learn from field research that Shenzhen Sanda A plans to establish the China Electronic Cloud Data Innovation and Application Industry Alliance this year. The field of public data licensing and operation will break through dozens of cities this year and remain the first camp for urban data asset operations. The company's overall strategy is to complete technological transformation in three years, and revenue from self-developed products in the digital and information services sector will experience significant growth.


(Photo provided by interviewees at the Shenzhen Sanda A Science and Technology Innovation Plan press conference)

The field of authorized public data operations surpassed dozens of cities this year

A Financial Services Association reporter noticed that in the past two years, Shenzhen Sanda A has been frequently surveyed by institutions due to the layout of data elements. The latest research records show that the construction of data infrastructure and data operation will be the top priority of the subsidiary China Electronics Cloud (i.e. CLP Cloud Computing Technology Co., Ltd.) in 2024.

According to reports, China Electronics Cloud is positioned as a leading digital infrastructure and data innovation service provider in China. At the product level, research and development of core platforms for layout resources, assets, operation, and trading; at the service level, an integrated data element enabling platform is published to provide a full closed-loop infrastructure for data resource construction, data operation management, data asset supervision, and data transaction circulation to open up major arteries.

Feng Jin, assistant president of China Electronics Cloud, said in an interview with a reporter from the Financial Federation that China Electronics Cloud is currently providing comprehensive technical support for the Shenzhen Data Exchange. At the same time, resources have been used in depth in various fields such as several cities, energy, ministries, central enterprises, etc., supporting more than 100 projects, and customers covering 22 provinces and 50 cities across the country. At present, cooperation agreements have been reached with a number of companies to list data resources.

Feng Jin said, “With the establishment of the National Data Bureau, all provincial and municipal data bureaus, data exchanges, and local big data groups will all be our customers, so we will form a full-stack business layout with data elements for the whole country, as well as a layout to connect data to provincial, municipal, county, government enterprises, and data exchanges.”

A Financial Services Association reporter learned that the company is currently preparing to establish the China Electronic Cloud Data Innovation and Application Industry Alliance. It is expected to be established this year. There are 120 member units, involving application digital merchants, service digital merchants (data asset services, data circulation, data sources, data exchanges, data scenarios, etc.), technical digital businesses (data governance, data analysis, data security, data storage, etc.), and universities and scientific research institutions.

“In the next stage, we will focus on data operation, target the scenario, load the ecosystem formed by 120 member organizations into our data operation network, and unleash the value of digital merchants through a network of public data resources in more than 100 cities and data operations in dozens of cities.” Feng Jin said.

As for this year's plan, he said, “Our data comes from enterprises and individuals. We have now accumulated 100 cities in the field of public data. The field of authorized operation of public data is an emerging blue ocean market. We will break through dozens of cities this year. In terms of conversion, it is tens of millions of business entities and 100 million individual entities. This will enable us to maintain the first camp of urban data asset operations.”

Complete technological transformation in three years

In addition to the data business that has attracted investors' attention, Shenzhen Sanda A currently focuses on two major business segments: digital and information services and high-tech industry services, covering the four main businesses of cloud computing and storage, data innovation, digital government and industry digital services, and high-tech industrial engineering services.

A reporter from the Financial Services Association learned that next, Shenzhen Sanda A will focus on the digital and information services sector, which currently accounts for a small share of revenue, to invest in research and development in cloud computing and storage, data infrastructure products and data operations, digital government and industry digitalization to build “cloud digital intelligent integration” core product capabilities, and plans to increase significantly in revenue from self-developed products by 2026.

According to information, the company's overall strategy is to complete the technological transformation in three years. The plan is to achieve remarkable results in the transformation to a technology-based company by 2026, and strive to become one of the most important technology-based enterprises of the China Electronics Group. Among them, in terms of digital and information service business, there are 6 major fields of planning and computing, data, artificial intelligence, digital cities, industrial intelligence, and railway communication, and 25 product types; in the high-tech industry service business, there are 4 major fields of planning and design, construction, products, operation and maintenance, and 15 types of technology.


(Photo taken by a Financial Services Association reporter inside the Sanda Technology Building in Nanshan District Science Park, Shenzhen)

It is worth noting that the “Action Plan for the High-Quality Development of Computing Power Infrastructure” led by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology last year indicates that by 2025, the country's total computing power will exceed 300 EFLOPS, accounting for 35% of intelligent computing power, or over 100 EFLOPS. Shenzhen Sanda A's exclusive cloud business is developing rapidly. On March 29, the Yizhuang Artificial Intelligence Public Computing Platform, the largest high-performance artificial intelligence computing cluster in Beijing, was officially launched. The platform can provide 3000P of computing power and is based on the China Electronics Cloud CECSTACK integrated computing power platform.

Zhu Guoping, chief scientist of China Electronics and chief engineer of China Electronics Cloud, said that in the future, it will focus on the exclusive cloud and intelligent computing market, evolving from Xinchuang Cloud to a new quality computing power infrastructure integrating computing power, data, and advanced storage.

It told reporters, “Currently, demand for computing power is still relatively scarce. In terms of intelligent computing, we have two models. One is to sell software and the other is to sell platforms, and the other is to provide computing power services. Both models are expanding, and we hope to increase our investment in intelligent computing.”

In addition, the reporter learned that the company's intelligent computing center business has cooperated with some domestic AI chip manufacturers and completed adaptations with many mainstream manufacturers.

According to financial data, by industry, industrial services accounted for 98.65% of total revenue in the first half of last year, up 20.13% year on year; by product, engineering services in the high-tech industry accounted for 94.06% of total revenue in the first half of last year, up 22.72% year on year. According to the 2023 performance forecast, the company expects to achieve net profit of 3-350 million yuan to mother last year, and a profit of 60-90 million yuan after deduction, turning a year-on-year loss into a profit. The performance forecast shows that the company continues to serve customers in strategic emerging industries such as high-tech electronics, integrated circuits, biomedicine, new energy, and new infrastructure. The amount of service business contracts in the high-tech industry increased steadily last year, driving the performance of the industrial service sector to continue to grow.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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