

Yiyuan Communications (603236.SH): It has a multi-frequency all-galaxy high-precision positioning and targeting GNSS module, suitable for drone applications in various fields

Gelonghui Finance ·  Apr 3 17:21

Gelonghui, April 3 | Yiyuan Communications (603236.SH) said on the interactive platform that (1) Yiyuan has a multi-frequency all-galaxy high-precision positioning GNSS module, which can provide stable and reliable cm-level positioning accuracy and 0.2° orientation accuracy, and is suitable for drone applications in various fields. In addition, the company's 4G and 5G module products can also be used in the field of drones. The company has not yet been involved in any business related to flying cars. (2) Yiyuan has always been committed to cutting-edge communication technology solutions. Currently, 5G modules supporting 3GPP R17 technology have been mass-produced; at the same time, Yiyuan is also actively cooperating with mainstream chip manufacturers to closely monitor the progress of R18 technology. (3) Yiyuan develops intelligent modules and PCBA products based on chip platforms such as Qualcomm, and is used in the products of leading companies in the industry such as four-legged robots, self-contained intelligent robots, intelligent lawn mowers, and multi-modal robots. The scope of robot products includes the fields of household personal, professional services, and industrial AI, providing customers with comprehensive technical verification, hardware construction, AI technology integration and system development support services.

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