
贝莱德:蓝筹业绩增长强劲 调升美股评级至“增持”

BlackRock: Strong growth in blue chip performance raised US stock ratings to “increase holdings”

智通财经 ·  Feb 20, 2018 10:09

The Zhitong Finance App learned that BlackRock, the world's largest asset management company, upgraded its rating on the US stock market mainly to reflect the strong growth in blue chip performance, but downgraded the European stock market rating to “neutral.”

BlackRock's chief strategist Richard Turnill pointed out that the US tax reform and government spending plans help drive strong growth in corporate profits, and the ratio of US blue-chip earnings increases and decreases was also the highest since records began in 1988. Meanwhile, fluctuations in the US stock market in early February made stock prices more attractive. As a result, he upgraded the three-month rating of US stocks from neutral to “increase in holdings.” This is the first time since May 2016 that BlackRock strategists have given positive reviews to US stocks.

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