
中物联:3月份中国物流业景气指数为51.5% 环比回升4.4个百分点

China IoT: China's logistics industry sentiment index in March was 51.5%, up 4.4 percentage points from month to month

Zhitong Finance ·  Apr 2 09:24

The Zhitong Finance App learned that on April 2, the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing released the China Logistics Industry Sentiment Index for March. According to the data, China's logistics industry sentiment index in March was 51.5%, up 4.4 percentage points from the previous month; China's warehousing index was 52.6%, up 8.1 percentage points from the previous month. The New Orders Index continues to expand. In March, the new orders index was 53.4%, up 1.2 percentage points from the previous month. Among them, the new orders index in the central and western regions rebounded 2.5 and 1.1 percentage points, respectively. Growth expectations have remained stable. In March, the expected business activity index was 55.3%. Since this year, it has remained in a high boom range for 2 consecutive months.

The full text is below:

China's logistics industry sentiment index for March 2024 was 51.5%

The China Logistics Industry Sentiment Index for March 2024 released by the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing was 51.5%, up 4.4 percentage points from the previous month; China's warehousing index was 52.6%, up 8.1 percentage points from the previous month.

He Hui, chief economist of the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, believes that in March, the resumption of work and production accelerated, upstream and downstream activities in the supply chain tend to be active, with the recovery in logistics demand accelerating, and indicators such as the total business volume index, new order index, and equipment utilization index rebounded. The company's expectations are generally optimistic. Overall, logistics operations in the first quarter achieved a smooth and positive start.

The total business volume index declined. In March, the total business volume index was 51.5%, up 4.4 percentage points from the previous month.

The New Orders Index continues to expand. In March, the new orders index was 53.4%, up 1.2 percentage points from the previous month. Among them, the new orders index in the central and western regions rebounded 2.5 and 1.1 percentage points, respectively.

Growth expectations have remained stable. In March, the expected business activity index was 55.3%. Since this year, it has remained in a high boom range for 2 consecutive months.

This article was selected from “China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing Official Website”; Zhitong Finance Editor: Huang Xiaodong.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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