
首次全国数据工作会议召开 机构看好数据要素价值释放

The first national data work conference was held, and institutions are optimistic about the release of the value of data elements ·  Apr 2 08:03

A Financial Services Association reporter learned that the National Data Administration held its first national data work conference in Beijing on April 1-2. The conference will focus on market-based allocation reforms of data elements and coordinate the construction and development of digital China, digital economy, and digital society to study and deploy key tasks for this year.

A Financial Services Association reporter learned that the National Data Administration held its first national data work conference in Beijing on April 1-2. The conference will focus on market-based allocation reforms of data elements and coordinate the construction and development of digital China, digital economy, and digital society to study and deploy key tasks for this year.

The quality of data and the amount of useful information it contains is a key factor in determining the ability of machine learning algorithms to learn. As a large economy, China has obvious advantages in data strategy: 1. Advantages of massive data resources; 2. Diversified application scenarios; 3. Policy support to release the value of data elements; 4. Advantages in industrial development and ecological construction. The Galaxy Securities Research Report points out that currently, China is speeding up the transformation from a “data powerhouse” to a “data powerhouse,” continuously promoting market-based allocation reforms of data elements, and unleashing the value of data elements. If data capital is calculated according to the value-added law, it is estimated that by 2025, China's data capital stock space is expected to reach 32.0 trillion yuan.

According to the Finance Federation's theme library, among the relevant listed companies:

Tianyuan Dike's spatio-temporal big data software has functions such as remote sensing image recognition, video survey, electronic ear tags, smart agricultural drone image fusion, high-precision maps, and 3D scene display. The main customers are agricultural insurance, agricultural production, and vehicle networking.

With self-developed drones, Guandian Defense relies on flight databases and professional processing technology with independent intellectual property rights accumulated over 10 years to provide customers with full-chain solutions such as project planning, data acquisition, data interpretation, supervision and verification, and intelligence research and judgment.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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