
小米汽车申请卫星相关专利 今年或成卫星通信规模化上车元年

Xiaomi Auto applied for a satellite-related patent this year may be the first year that satellite communication will be launched on a large scale ·  Apr 2 08:03

① According to Tianyancha's intellectual property information, on March 29, the “Star Alignment Method, Device, Medium and Vehicle” patent applied for by Xiaomi Auto Technology Co., Ltd. was announced. ② Some agencies predict that this year is likely to be the first year of satellite communication technology for Chinese automobile companies. Compared to mobile phones, automotive satellite communication also has many advantages.

According to Tianyancha's intellectual property information, on March 29, the “Star Alignment Method, Device, Medium and Vehicle” patent applied for by Xiaomi Auto Technology Co., Ltd. was announced. The abstract shows that the patent belongs to the field of vehicles and can improve the speed of satellite communication, the timeliness and convenience of using satellite communication channels, and the actual quality of satellite communication.

In fact, mass production of satellite communications was launched as early as October of last year. As an automotive product that implemented the first satellite communication application, the Polar Krypton 001FR has been delivered for use. Some agencies predict that this year is likely to be the first year of technology for Chinese automobile companies in satellite communications. Compared to mobile phones, automotive satellite communication also has many advantages. Generally speaking, when a mobile phone uses satellite communication, the power will be 2W or more, and maintaining satellite communication for a long time will have a significant impact on battery life. The car has a large battery, and this power consumption has almost no effect on battery life.

According to the Finance Federation's theme library, among the relevant listed companies:

Huali Chuangtong is actively exploring application scenarios for satellite communication and positioning products in the automotive market. Currently, self-developed related satellite communication modules and satellite navigation products can be applied to the automotive field.

Hytera's satellite communications business mainly focuses on ground-side terminals, including in-vehicle terminals.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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