

The six major banks are returning to increase their staff! The total number of employees rebounded by about 20,000 to 1.845 million last year. CCB postal storage increased its staff by more than 10,000, and ICBC agricultural bank reduced staff slightly ·  Apr 1 22:09

① Among the six major state-owned banks, the four major banks, including Bank of China, CCB, Bank of Communications, and Postbank, will increase their staff significantly in 2023, which directly led to a positive increase in the total number of employees in the six major banks last year (about 20,000 people). ② According to public data, the total number of employees in the six major state-owned banks in 2021 was 1.831 million, and the total number of employees in 2022 was 1.825,500. There is a rare decline in personnel.

Financial Services Association, April 1 (Reporter Peng Kefeng) Banks are similar to sieging a city. People outside want to go in, and people inside want to come out. In 2023, will the number of employees in major state-owned banks increase or decrease compared to the previous year? With the recent intensive publication of the annual reports of major banks, some of the information has already been revealed.

This evening, according to statistics from the Finance Association reporter, of the six major state-owned banks, the four major banks, including Bank of China, CCB, Bank of Communications, and Postbank, will increase their staff significantly in 2023, which directly led to a positive increase in the total number of employees in the six major banks last year (about 20,000 people). According to Oriental Wealth data, the total number of employees in the six major state-owned banks at the end of 2023 was 1845,478. According to public data, in 2021, the total number of employees in the six major state-owned banks in 2021 was 1.831 million, and the total number of employees in 2022 was 1.825,500.

The total number of employees of the four major banks, including Bank of China, CCB, Bank of Communications, and Postbank, was growing last year

According to Oriental Wealth Choice data (specific source: statistics on the total number of employees in the banking sector), at the end of 2023, the total number of employees in the Bank of China was 30,6931, and the total number of employees in 2022 was 30,6,182. In contrast, the Bank of China increased its staff by 749 last year.

At the end of 2023, the total number of CCB employees was 37,6871, and in 2022, the total number of employees was 35,2588. In contrast, CCB increased its workforce by 24,283 last year.

At the end of 2023, Bank of Communications had a total of 94275 employees, and in 2022, the total number of employees was 91,823. In comparison, Bank of Communications increased its staff by 2,452 last year.

At the end of 2023, the total number of employees at the Postbank was 197,146, and in 2022, the total number of employees was 1,80038. In contrast, the Postbank increased its staff last year by 17,108.

At the end of 2023, China Merchants Bank had a total of 11,6529 employees, and in 2022, the total number of employees was 112,999. In contrast, China Merchants Bank increased its staff by 3,530 last year.

The total number of employees of the Agricultural Bank, ICBC, Ping An, and Everbright declined last year, and Everbright reduced the number of employees by only one digit

If there is an increase in the number of employees, there must also be a decrease in the number of employees. According to Oriental Wealth Choice data, in 2023, the total number of agricultural bank employees was 45,1003, and in 2022, the total number of employees was 45,2258, a year-on-year decrease of 1,555.

In 2023, the total number of ICBC employees was 419,252, and in 2022, the total number of employees was 427,587, a year-on-year decrease of 8,335.

In 2023, Ping An Bank had a total of 43119 employees, and in 2022, the total number of employees was 44,207, a year-on-year decrease of 1,088.

In 2023, Everbright Bank had a total of 4,7582 employees, and in 2022, the total number of employees was 47,585, a decrease of 3 over the previous year. This means that Everbright Bank is the bank with the fewest number of staff cuts among the large banks mentioned above.

Former bank executives say digitalization may drastically reduce financial institution personnel

Why have banks experienced a marked decline in the total number of employees? A Financial Services Association reporter noticed that at the Digital Economy Forum in March of this year, Ma Weihua, chairman of the China Enterprise Association Entrepreneurs Club and former governor of China Merchants Bank, publicly stated that in the future, there may be a drastic reduction in digital bank outlets and a drastic reduction in account managers.

However, from an objective point of view, the increase in the number of employees among the six major state-owned banks still accounts for the majority, and it is even rare for China Construction Bank and Postbank to increase their staff by more than 10,000.

“The biggest reason is probably related to the fact that the relevant departments encouraged state-owned enterprises to expand the recruitment scale last year, and some banks also responded. In addition, there has also been a significant increase in the number of fintechs in some banks.” A banking analyst at a brokerage firm told the Financial Federation reporter.

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