

China Travel Federation (600358.SH) reported 2023 annual results, with a net loss of 12.533,200 yuan, which changed from profit to loss over the previous year

Zhitong Finance ·  Mar 29 18:32

China Travel Federation (600358.SH) released its 2023 annual report. The company achieved an operating income of 5 during the reporting period...

According to Zhitong Finance App News, China Travel Federation (600358.SH) released its 2023 annual report. During the reporting period, the company achieved operating income of 543 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 3.82%; net loss attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 12.533,200 yuan, which changed from profit to loss; net loss attributable to shareholders of listed companies after deducting non-recurring profit and loss; basic loss of 0.0248 yuan/share.

In 2023, the company achieved a decrease of 3.82% in operating income compared to the same period of the previous year, mainly due to the reduction in the business scale of Guolian Culture, which holds the Sun Company; net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies - RMB 12.532 million, mainly due to a reduction in non-recurring profit and loss of RMB 15.85 million compared to the previous period and bad debt provision of 11.3 million yuan for accounts receivable with significant billing amounts.

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