
高盛和摩根士丹利胜诉 有关Archegos倒闭诉讼被驳回

Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley win lawsuit over Archegos collapse dismissed

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 29 15:20
GLONGHUI, March 29 | A US judge on Thursday dismissed lawsuits from seven investors accusing Goldman Sachs Group and Morgan Stanley of misconduct that prompted Bill Hwang's $36 billion Archegos Capital Management company to quickly go out of business in March 2021. These two Wall Street banks were the two main brokers of Archegos. US District Judge Jed Rakoff in Manhattan dismissed investors' lawsuits over market manipulation and insider trading, meaning they can't file another lawsuit. Investors say the joint sell-off cost them huge losses, while Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley escaped billions of dollars in losses.

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