
研报掘金|中信证券:维持紫金矿业“买入”评级 可望受惠于铜金量价齐升所带来的利润上升

Research Report Nuggets | CITIC Securities: Maintaining Zijin Mining's “buy” rating is expected to benefit from rising profits brought about by the sharp rise in the volume and price of copper and gold

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 29 10:39
Gelonghui, March 29 | CITIC Securities published a research report stating that Zijin's mineral copper and gold production reached new highs last year. Coupled with rising product prices, performance recorded steady growth. As copper, gold, and lithium incremental projects continue to be released, the company's mineral copper and gold production is expected to achieve the goals of 8.9% and 8.6% growth respectively this year, continuing steady growth, and the lithium sector's layout of the two lakes and two mines is expected to usher in a scale-up period. The bank said that continued epitaxial mergers and acquisitions provide solid support for the company's long-term growth, and it is expected that the company will benefit from the long-term rise in profits brought about by the sharp rise in the volume and price of copper and gold products. The bank estimates that Zijin's net profit for 2024 to 2026 will be $26.5 billion, $32.17 billion, and $37.92 billion, respectively, with corresponding earnings estimates of 1.01 yuan, 1.22 yuan, and 1.44 yuan per share. The bank gave Zijin a target price of HK$20, maintaining a “buy” rating. CITIC Securities mentioned that the increase in the cost of the Group's mineral copper and gold is mainly affected by factors such as depreciation of the exchange rate, the decline in selected grades, the rise in raw energy prices, and the increase in production of low-grade mines. However, the company's C1 mineral copper costs and mineral gold AISC costs are in the top 20% range in the world, which is low in the industry compared to leading global companies, fully demonstrating the company's ability to control costs.

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