

Goldwind Technology (02208) plans to launch hedging business

Zhitong Finance ·  Mar 29 00:49

Zhitong Finance App News, Goldwind Technology (02208) issued an announcement. With the continuous development of the company's overseas markets and the continuous development and changes of the exchange rate and interest rate markets, the exchange rate and interest rate risks of the company's foreign currency settlement business and domestic and foreign financing business are gradually increasing. In order to avoid the adverse effects of exchange rate and interest rate fluctuations on the company's production, operation and cost control, the company analyzed and predicted the foreign exchange and interest rate hedging business of the company and its wholly-owned and holding subsidiaries according to the principle of careful forecasting based on the foreign exchange related import and export business business cycle, international project balance, and foreign currency capital requirements. It plans to launch exchange rate and interest rate hedging business from the date of the resolution of the company's 2024 annual shareholders' meeting.

The company divides hedging business into exchange rate hedging and interest rate hedging. Exchange rate hedging transactions include but are not limited to the following: foreign exchange forwards, foreign exchange options, foreign exchange swaps, etc.; interest rate hedging transactions include but are not limited to the following scope: interest rate swaps, interest rate swaps, etc.

Exchange rate hedging amount: The amount of new business generated is no more than US$2 billion (or other equivalent currency), accounting for 37.73% of the company's most recent audited net assets.

Interest rate hedging amount: The amount of new business generated is no more than 500 million US dollars (or other equivalent currency), accounting for 9.43% of the company's most recent audited net assets.

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