
数据揭秘 | 3月北水都买了什么?疯狂抢筹腾讯超90亿港元、买入小米近30亿港元

Data reveal | What did Beishui buy in March? Tencent frantically raised over HK$9 billion and bought Xiaomi worth nearly HK$3 billion

Futu News ·  Mar 29 10:37

Editor's note:“North-South Water Refresher”The section is dedicated to tracking the status of North-South water capital, which is a trend vane in market conditions, and studying the direction of the “smart money” layout.

Due to the Good Friday holiday, the Hong Kong stock market is closed today. The Hong Kong stock market officially came to an end in March. Southbound capital traded a total of HK$744.785 billion this month, with a net inflow of HK$85.948 billion, a new high net inflow in a single month since February 2021.

By industry, the technology sector has become the main direction for Beishui to add warehouses. The one that was heavily sold for capital in February$TENCENT (00700.HK)$It was favored by Beishui again, with a net purchase of over HK$9 billion this month;$XIAOMI-W (01810.HK)$,$KUAISHOU-W (01024.HK)$It was purchased at nearly HK$3 billion and over HK$700 million respectively.

Furthermore, the “China Special Assessment” is still highly sought after by Beishui.$BANK OF CHINA (03988.HK)$,$CNOOC (00883.HK)$,$CHINA MOBILE (00941.HK)$,$SINOPEC CORP (00386.HK)$Purchases were over HK$6.2 billion, HK$3.9 billion, HK$3.8 billion and HK$300 million respectively.

In terms of net sales, sporting goods stocks were sold off by capital, and sold by Beishui$ANTA SPORTS (02020.HK)$,$LI NING (02331.HK)$HK$700 million and HK$532 million.


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