
同程旅行:五一假期出游预订量月环比上涨近三倍 出境游预订明显升温

Tongcheng Travel: The number of travel bookings for the May Day holiday rose nearly three times month-on-month, and outbound travel bookings heated up markedly

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 28 15:37
Gelonghui, March 28 | Tongcheng travel data shows that as of March 27, the overall reservation volume for May Day holiday trips had nearly tripled month-on-month, with outbound travel bookings rising significantly. Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Nanjing, Zhengzhou, Kunming, and Wuhan were the 10 cities with the largest year-on-year increase in outbound bookings for the May Day holiday. Furthermore, with the gradual return of the cruise market, the popularity of the May Day holiday outbound cruise consultation on the Tongcheng Travel Platform continues to heat up.

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