

Hong Kong Options Futures Market Authority

富途牛牛 ·  Oct 1, 2019 09:00

BMP real-time quotation promotion period is free (requires manual update of quotes, does not support trading boards, does not include streaming data)

Get LV2 market rights for Hong Kong stocks and add LV1 real-time quotes for options futures (supports a single trading board, excluding streaming data)

It can also be upgraded to LV2 option futures quotes (supports ten-file trading boards and real-time streaming data)

Go to get it

Options Futures Pricing AuthorityBMPLV1LV2
Refresh rateManual refreshreal timereal time
Deal on a brush by brushunsupportedunsupportedsupports
Trading boardunsupportedOne fileTen files
Broker ranksunsupportedunsupportedunsupported
Market list15 minute delayreal timereal time

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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