
新型城镇化概念活跃 蕾奥规划等多股涨停

The new urbanization concept is active, and many stocks such as Leo Planning have risen and stopped

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 28 13:23
Gelonghui, March 28 | The new urbanization concept in the A-share market was active in the afternoon, leading in the direction of low-altitude infrastructure. Leo Planning, Shenzhen Jieshun Technology, and Holsai went up and down, while stocks such as Suzhou Jiaotong Technology, General Design Institute, Surveying and Mapping Co., Ltd., and Shanshui Bide rose more than 6%. According to the news, according to the “Implementation Plan for Innovative Application of General Aviation Equipment (2024-2030)” issued by four departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Civil Aviation Administration of China. Among them, it is proposed to promote the construction of a new infrastructure system. Local governments are encouraged to incorporate low-altitude infrastructure into urban construction plans and strengthen connections with urban transportation systems.

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