
百克生物(688276):带疱提振业绩 期待持续增长

Baike Biotech (688276): Blisters boost performance and expect continued growth

華安證券 ·  Mar 26


The company released its 2023 annual report. In 2023, it achieved revenue of 1,825 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 70.30%; net profit to mother of 501 million yuan, an increase of 175.98%; net profit after deducting non-return to mother was 493 million yuan, an increase of 195.86% over the previous year. The elasticity of revenue growth was mainly contributed by pimples, and the performance was in line with expectations.


Performance is in line with expectations, and profitability has improved

Q4 achieved revenue of 581 million yuan (YoY +182.65%), realized net profit of 170 million yuan (YoY +661.07%), realized net profit of 168 million yuan (YoY +604.01%), overall gross profit margin of 90.23%, and net profit margin of 27.46% (19.90% year-on-year). On the cost side, the promotion of new products brought about a simultaneous increase in revenue and expenses. The management fee was 159 million yuan (+10.30%) during the reporting period, and the management fee rate was 8.73% (-4.75pp).

The shingles vaccine has entered the release period, beginning a new stage of growth

By product, revenue from the shingles vaccine in 2023 was 883 million yuan, with sales volume of 663,500 units, gross profit margin of 97.5%; chickenpox vaccine revenue of 820 million yuan, down 14.36% year on year, sales volume of 6.711,400 units, gross profit margin 85.35%; revenue of nasal spray influenza vaccine was 122 million yuan, up 6.85% year on year, sales volume of 419,600 units, gross profit margin 70.60%. Sales of the company's new single product, blisters, continued to contribute to an increase.

The product matrix under development is rich and has long-term development momentum

In 2023, the company's R&D expenses were 119 million yuan (+48.34%), and the R&D cost rate was 10.86% (-1.61pp); according to the R&D agency, the company's liquid nasal spray influenza vaccine is about to apply for marketing approval, and the component 100 white vaccine is undergoing phase III clinical sample preparation (phase I completed); clinical trial applications for human diploid and wholly human anti-tetanus toxin monoclonal antibodies have been approved, and clinical research will soon be carried out; adjuvant influenza vaccine, recombinant shingles vaccine, Hib, and HSV-2 vaccines are scheduled to carry out clinical trial registration work in 2024. The product matrix under development is rich, and there is momentum for medium- to long-term development.

Profit forecasting and investment advice: maintaining a “buy” rating

Since the launch of the company's major shingles vaccine products, the chickenpox vaccine will maintain its market share; it is expected that the chickenpox vaccine will maintain its market share; it is expected to achieve total operating revenue of 25.15/32.89/37.57 billion yuan from 2024 to 2026, +37.83%/30.80%/14.22%; it will achieve net profit of 7.49/10.22/ 1,187 billion yuan, or +49.46%/36.45%/16.19% year over year, maintaining the “buy” rating.

Risk warning

The marketing of new products fell short of expectations; product testing and approval fell short of expectations, etc.

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