
铭利达(301268.SZ)拟授出320万股限制性股票 授予价为每股12.16元

Minglida (301268.SZ) plans to grant 3.2 million restricted shares at an award price of 12.16 yuan per share

Zhitong Finance ·  Mar 27 18:43

Minglida (301268.SZ) disclosed the 2024 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan (draft), and the company plans to provide incentives...

According to the Zhitong Finance App, Minglida (301268.SZ) disclosed the 2024 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan (draft). The company plans to grant a total of 3.2 million restricted shares to incentive recipients, of which 2,631,900 shares will be granted for the first time and 5681 thousand shares will be reserved. The grant price for the granting of restricted shares is $12.16 per share. A total of 217 people were awarded under this incentive plan. This time, the incentive target included 1 employee from Hong Kong, China. The relevant employee was the company's middle management.

Furthermore, this incentive plan is valid for a maximum period of no more than 60 months from the date the restricted shares are granted to the incentive target until all restricted shares granted to the incentive target are owned or abolished.

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