
现代牙科(03600)发布年度业绩 股东应占溢利4.04亿港元 同比增加83.3%

MODERN DENTAL (03600) announces annual results, profit attributable to shareholders of HK$404 million increased by 83.3% year over year

Zhitong Finance ·  Mar 26 21:11

MODERN DENTAL (03600) announced its annual results for the year ended December 31, 2023. The group will take...

According to the Zhitong Finance App, MODERN DENTAL (03600) announced its annual results for the year ended December 31, 2023. The group achieved revenue of HK$3.172 billion during the period, up 12.08% year on year; profit attributable to shareholders was HK$404 million, up 83.3% year on year; basic profit per share was 42.4 HK cents; and plans to pay a final dividend of HK9 cents per share.

According to the announcement, the increase in revenue was mainly due to the increase in market share driven by the digital trend in the dental industry, which was partly offset by the development of volume procurement for dental implant treatment in mainland China.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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