

Andley (605198.SH): Plans to increase the company's profit distribution ratio in 2023

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 26 20:40

Gelonghui, March 26 | Andeli (605198.SH) announced that recently, the company received a proposal letter from the controlling shareholder Shandong Andeli Group Co., Ltd. (“Andeley Group”) (holding 15.66% of the company's shares) and proposed the following changes to the company's 2023 profit distribution plan: “The company uses a cash dividend method, based on the current total share capital of 349 million shares, to all shareholders. The total amount of cash dividends distributed is RMB 76.78 million, accounting for RMB 76.78 million The 2023 consolidated statement is 30.05% of the net profit of the parent company's common shareholders, and the remaining undistributed profit is carried over and distributed for the year after.”

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