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IPO News | Smart Driving Technology's Leading Company Horizon Submits Prospectus to Hong Kong Stock Exchange

Zhitong Finance ·  Mar 26 12:33

According to the latest news on March 26, Horizon Robotics (Horizon Robotics), a leading smart driving technology company, officially submitted a prospectus to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that according to the latest news on March 26, Horizon Robotics (Horizon Robotics), a leading smart driving technology company, officially submitted a prospectus to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, with Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and CITIC Construction Investment as co-sponsors.

As a market-leading supplier of advanced assisted driving (ADAS) and advanced autonomous driving (AD) solutions for passenger cars, Horizon has mass-produced a combination of software and hardware solutions on a large scale, and is a key driver of the transformation and commercialization of intelligent vehicles. Its solutions combine leading-edge algorithms, dedicated software, and advanced processing hardware to provide core technology for advanced assistance and advanced autonomous driving, thereby improving the safety and experience of drivers and passengers.

According to Insight Consulting data, as the first Chinese company to provide ADAS and AD solutions for front-loading mass production, Horizon is currently the largest Chinese company providing front-end mass-produced ADAS and AD solutions; the delivery volume of processing hardware solutions has reached 5 million. That is, from 2022 to 2023, the installed capacity of Horizon ADAS and AD solutions increased fourfold. The company's smart driving solutions have been adopted by more than 230 models by 24 OEMs (31 OEM brands), and obtained more than 100 designated model projects in 2023; it has also reached cooperation with the top 10 Chinese OEMs. In this context, Horizon's revenue reached 1.6 billion yuan in 2023, and the compound revenue growth rate in the past three years reached 82.3%, achieving large-scale growth.

If successfully listed this time, it will further enhance Horizon's market competitiveness and help the company reach a new level of development.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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