

Junjun International (01355.HK)'s annual revenue increased 7.40% to HK$676.61 million

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 26 12:38

Gelonghui, March 26, 丨 Ge Jun International (01355.HK) announced its annual results. For the year ended 31 December 2023, the Group recorded revenue of HK$676.61 million, an increase of about 7.40% over HK$63.02 million in the previous fiscal year. The Group recorded an overall loss of HK$61.867 million for the year, an increase of approximately 227.30% over HK$18.92 million in the previous fiscal year.

In 2023, the total number of room nights the Group can rent decreased by 2,205 nights or about 0.93% compared to the previous fiscal year, due to the internal renovation of some rooms in that year. The Group's occupancy rate and average revenue per room increased by 7.84% and RMB 50.2 or about 27.58% respectively from the previous fiscal year, mainly due to strong recovery in domestic tourism and demand.

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