
港股异动 | 微创医疗(00853)再跌超4% 预计年度亏损不超6.5亿美元 机构称业绩预告低于预期

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Minimally Invasive Healthcare (00853) falls more than 4%, and the expected annual loss is no more than US$650 million. Institutions say the performance forecast is lower than expected

Zhitong Finance ·  Mar 26 11:57

Minimally Invasive Medicine (00853) fell by more than 4%. As of press release, it fell 4.26% to HK$6.29 million, with a turnover of HK$35.99 million.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Minimally Invasive Healthcare (00853) fell by more than 4%. As of press release, it fell 4.26% to HK$6.29 million, with a turnover of HK$35.99 million.

According to the news, Minimally Invasive Healthcare updated data. After further evaluation, it is estimated that it will record a loss of no more than 650 million yuan in 2023, compared with a loss of 588 million US dollars in the previous year.

Everbright Securities pointed out that there were many adverse factors at home and abroad, and the annual results fell short of market expectations. The bank pointed out that sales revenue for the year increased 15% year on year, which was lower than market expectations; the annual loss margin increased, with a loss of no more than 650 million US dollars. Excluding one-time factors, it recorded a loss of no more than 436 million US dollars, a year-on-year loss reduction of more than 13%, but it was still lower than market expectations.

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