
大行评级|花旗:上调绿城管理目标价至8港元 评级“买入”

Big Bank Rating | Citibank: Raise Greentown Management Target Price to HK$8 “Buy”

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 26, 2024 03:45
Glonghui, March 26 | Citi published a research report saying that Greentown Management has set new three-year targets, namely 20% compound annual revenue growth rate, 25% compound annual profit growth rate, and 80% dividend rate from 2024 to 26. The bank pointed out that these goals to support shareholder returns are based on contracts that have been locked in but not yet executed, involving more than 25 billion yuan. Assuming a net interest rate of 25%, these may be converted into potential profit of about 6.25 billion yuan in the next few years, and that the group signs new contracts of more than 10 billion yuan each year. In addition, government projects, financial institutions, and local government financing platforms can support about 70% of the company's revenue, and their project management pricing is relatively stable. The bank gave it a “buy” rating based on the Group's market share of over 20%, strong cash flow, strong growth and attractive valuation. The target price was raised from HK$7.3 to HK$8.

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