
港股异动 | 安德利果汁(02218)A股三连板 H股大涨超26% 去年净利超2亿元创近五年新高

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Andeley Juice (02218) A shares trifecta, H shares surged 26% last year, net profit exceeded 200 million yuan and hit a new high in nearly five years

Zhitong Finance ·  Mar 26 09:55

Andeley Juice (02218) continued to rise in early trading. A shares are currently on the triple market. As of press release, H shares rose 23.58% to HK$9.8, with a turnover of HK$7.7493 million.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Andeley Juice (02218) continued to rise in early trading, and A shares are currently on the triple market. As of press release, H shares have risen 23.58% to HK$9.8, with a turnover of HK$7.7493 million.

According to the news, Andeley Juice's revenue in 2023 was about 886 million yuan, down 17.77% year on year; net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was about 255.5 million yuan, up 31.47% year on year; net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies after deducting non-recurring profit and loss was about 231 million yuan, up 40% year on year. Despite the year-on-year decline in the company's revenue in 2023, net profit recorded the highest in nearly five years.

Furthermore, according to the investor relations activity record recently disclosed by Andley, with the sharp increase in production by Chinese companies in 2023, China's concentrated apple juice exports are expected to increase dramatically in 2024. While increasing the market share of concentrated apple juice, the company is actively expanding the range of products, increasing sales of high value-added products such as apple fructose, NFC apple juice, apple juice, peach juice, and hawthorn juice based on concentrated apple juice, which has become a new profit growth point for the company.

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