
COOL LINK(08491):供股获13.91%认购

COOL LINK (08491): Stock offering received 13.91% subscription

Zhitong Finance ·  Mar 25 22:38

According to the Zhitong Finance App, COOL LINK (08491) announced that at 4:00 p.m. on March 18, 2024 (Monday) (that is, the final acceptance period), it has received a total of 11 valid applications and admissions under the provisional quota notice, involving a total of 41.5942 million shares offered, accounting for about 13.91% of the shares offered for subscription under the share offering.

The remaining 246 million unsubscribed shares and 10.881 million unsold shares offered by ineligible shareholders (accounting for about 86.09% of the total number of shares offered for subscription under the offer) will be subject to compensation arrangements.

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