

Peking University Blue Bird Huanyu (08095) expects annual comprehensive profit to be reduced by no less than 40%

Zhitong Finance ·  Mar 25 20:33

Peking University Blue Bird Huanyu (08095) issued an announcement. It is expected that the Group will take...

Zhitong Finance App News, Peking University's Blue Bird Huanyu (08095) announced that the Group's comprehensive profit for the year ended December 31, 2023 is expected to be reduced by no less than 40% compared to approximately RMB 319.7 million for the year ended December 31, 2022, mainly due to the combined effects of the following factors: The Group sold 44.9 million shares of Blue Bird Fire Co., Ltd. (completed in May 2023) and obtained revenue of about RMB 365.5 million from the sale of a joint venture company in 2023, due to the Group's sale of 44.9 million shares of Blue Bird Fire Service Co., Ltd. (completed in May 2023) Fire protection's rights were diluted in 2022 and were deemed to be revenue of about RMB 220,200 million from the sale of a joint venture in 2022; and impairment losses on trade and other receivables increased significantly from about RMB 35.9 million in 2022, mainly due to the Group's provision of no less than RMB 144.3 million for the calculation of overdue receivables owed by buyers under share transfers.

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