

Anfu Technology (603031.SH) plans to increase its control and equity ratio in the core asset Nanfu Battery through restructuring and acquisition

Zhitong Finance ·  Mar 25 19:59

Anfu Technology (603031.SH) announced that the company plans to purchase Anhui Anfu Energy by issuing shares and paying cash...

Zhitong Finance App News, Anfu Technology (603031.SH) announced that the company intends to purchase 37.75% of the shares of Anhui Anfu Energy Technology Co., Ltd. (“Anfu Energy”) by issuing shares and paying cash, and offer to acquire 5% of the shares of Ningbo Yajin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (“Ajin Technology”) by issuing shares to no more than 35 specific targets (“this transaction”). The transaction is expected to constitute a major asset restructuring.

Following negotiations between the parties to the transaction, the estimated price of 37.75% of Anfu Energy's shares is 1,580 billion yuan, and the price of issuing shares to purchase assets is 34.81 yuan/share; after review by the board of directors of the company, the offer price for the offer to acquire Yajin Technology shares is tentatively set at 2 yuan/share, and the estimated price of 5% of Ajin Technology's shares is 375 million yuan.

After the transaction is completed, Anfu Energy will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, and Anfu Energy will hold 56% of Asia Jin Technology's shares. The core asset of Yajin Technology is Fujian Nanping Nanping Battery Co., Ltd. (“Nanfu Battery”), which it controls; after thorough calculation, the company's share of interest in Nanfu Battery will increase to 46%. Through this transaction, the company will increase its control and equity ratio over the core asset Nanfu Battery, enhance the company's continued profitability, and further consolidate the company's leading position in the domestic alkaline battery industry.

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