

Shanghai aunt, request for supplementary materials to file a listing in Hong Kong (feedback)

瑞恩資本RyanbenCapital ·  Mar 25 13:47

This week, the International Department of the China Securities Regulatory Commission issued supplementary material requests for 6 companies, including Shanghai Aunt from a current beverage company. The details are as follows:

Shanghai Auntie

Please ask your company to provide additional explanations on the following matters, ask a lawyer to check and issue a clear legal opinion:

1. Please explain:

(1) Whether the status of products such as apps, applets, and public accounts developed and operated by your company and holding company involves providing information content to third parties. If so, please indicate the types of information content and security protection measures for information content;

(2) The scale of collected and stored user information, data collection and usage, personal information protection and data security arrangements or measures before and after listing.

2. Please specify:

(1) Whether the registration status and compliance of your company's share changes after the capital increase in February 2024 constituted a substantial obstacle to the current issuance and listing;

(2) The actual development of “market research” and “basic telecommunications business” in the business scope of your company's holding company, Shanghai Pangjia Network Technology Co., Ltd., and whether it continues to comply with the requirements of the relevant regulations of the “Special Administrative Measures for Foreign Investment Access (Negative List)” before and after the launch and “full circulation”;

(3) Whether your company and its subsidiaries have been administratively punished by the relevant competent authorities due to tax, environmental protection, and production safety compliance issues in the last three years.

3. Please explain whether the shares held by shareholders participating in the “full circulation” have been pledged, frozen, or otherwise in dispute, and whether they have been disclosed in accordance with regulations.

Link to Shanghai Aunt's prospectus:

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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