
大行评级|瑞银:下调华住目标价至58.1美元 维持“买入”评级

Major Bank Ratings | UBS: Lowering Huazhu's Target Price to $58.1 to Maintain “Buy” Rating

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 25 09:49
Glonghui, March 25 | UBS released a report stating that Huazhu's results for the last quarter were generally in line with expectations. The bank raised its 2023 to 2025 earnings per share forecast by 28%/16%/10%, respectively, mainly because hotels are opening faster than expected. According to the latest guidelines, the company plans to increase the number of new hotels opened from 1,400 to 1,800 this year, and remains cautiously optimistic about this year's prospects. The bank lowered its target price from $61.3 to $58.1 to reflect rising risk-free interest rates and raised the weighted average cost of capital from 9.5% to 10%, maintaining a “buy” rating.

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