

Lippo China Resources (00156.HK) Profit Alert: Shareholders' consolidated loss is expected to be around HK$140 million in 2023

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 22 18:54

Glonghui, March 22丨Lippo Huarun (00156.HK) announced that it is anticipated that the Group may record net fair value earnings of approximately HK$20 million in fair value financial instruments for the year ended 31 December 2023, while the year ended 31 December 2022 (the “previous year”) recorded a fair value loss of approximately HK$104 million.

According to the company's current data, the board of directors anticipates that the Group may record a comprehensive loss attributable to shareholders of about HK$140 million in the year, compared to a comprehensive loss of HK$278 million in the previous year. The reduction in losses was mainly due to improvements in the Group's food business performance during the year and net fair value earnings from the Group's financial instruments mentioned above.

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