

Merry Health International (02327.HK) Earnings: Net profit is expected to be around HK$38 million to HK$43.8 million in 2023

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 22 17:08

Gelonghui, March 22, 丨 Merry Health International (02327.HK) announced that the Group expects to record profit attributable to shareholders of approximately HK$38 million to HK$43.8 million for the year ended December 31, 2023, while in 2022 the profit attributable to shareholders was approximately HK$17.8 million.

According to the announcement, the main reasons for the increase in expectations are as follows: (i) thanks to the active expansion of the Group's international trade business in Europe, the gross profit of the trade business has increased dramatically; and (ii) the unrealized fair value of investments that include profit and loss based on fair value has increased due to the increase in corporate income and profits from equity investments, which are partially offset by the following adverse factors: (iii) due to changes in the business environment, the Group has significantly increased its provisions for trade and other receivables, and because the Group invests capital in business development and operation As a result, interest income decreased.

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