
港股异动 | 北京北辰实业股份(00588)现涨超5% 全年纯利实现同比扭亏为盈 四季度纯利翻倍

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Beijing Beichen Industrial Co., Ltd. (00588) has now risen by more than 5%, and its net profit for the whole year has reversed year-on-year losses and doubled its net profit in the fourth quarter

Zhitong Finance ·  Mar 22 15:24

Beijing Beichen Industrial Co., Ltd. (00588) is now up more than 5%. As of press release, it has risen 4.55% to HK$0.69, with a turnover of HK$127.68,600.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Beijing Beichen Industrial Co., Ltd. (00588) is now up more than 5%. As of press release, it has risen 4.55% to HK$0.69, with a turnover of HK$127.68,600.

According to the news, Beijing Beichen Industrial Co., Ltd. announced its annual results for the year ended 2023, with revenue of 15.751 billion yuan, an increase of 21.3%; recorded a net profit of 140 million yuan, compared with a loss of 1,471 billion yuan in the previous year, turning a loss into a profit; and earnings per share of 4.17 points. Final interest payment of 2 points. Among them, in the fourth quarter of 2023, the company's main revenue in a single quarter was 5.262 billion yuan, up 24.6% year on year; net profit returned to mother in a single quarter was 408.107 million yuan, up 105.18% year on year.

The company previously stated that the rental rate of the conference, exhibition and hotel business continued to increase during the reporting period; at the same time, the real estate development business was affected by the settlement cycle, the settlement area increased, and settlement products changed, so it turned a loss into a profit during the reporting period.

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