
火爆大模型Kimi疑似宕机! 多只概念股持续受资金追捧

Hot big model Kimi is suspected to be down! Many concept stocks continue to be sought after by capital ·  Mar 21 19:50

① Due to a sudden surge in traffic, this evening, when the “Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily” reporter logged on to KimiApp and Mini Program, the big model app under Dark Side of the Moon, it was once unusable. ② Recently, Kimi concept stocks have continued to be active. As of the close of trading on March 21, many concept stocks such as Huace Film and Television, Zhangyue Technology, and Zhongguang Tianze remained strong.

“Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily”, March 21 (Reporter Huang Xinyi) Due to a sudden surge in traffic, this evening (March 21), when the “Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily” reporter logged on to the big model app Kimi Assistant app and applet under Dark Side of the Moon, it was once unusable. However, at the time of press release, the page had returned to normal.


Kimi Assistant can't be used for a while

Recently, Kimi concept stocks have continued to be active. By the close of trading on March 21, many individual stocks such as Huace Film and Television, Zhangyue Technology, and Zhongguang Tianze had risen or stopped.

An industry insider told the “Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily” reporter. Kimi's smart assistant has received attention from investors in the secondary market due to its good usage results. “There are a lot of people in the secondary market circle who use it. However, Kimi's technical threshold is really not that high, and the competition she will face will be fierce in the future.”

▍ Upgrading to 2 million word document processing led to a surge in traffic and pressure on servers

Earlier, Dark Side of the Moon published an information note stating that from 9:30:00 on 2024.3.20, it was observed that Kimi's system traffic continued to increase abnormally, and the trend of traffic increase far exceeded the expected resource plan. This has caused many SaaS customers to continue to experience the 429:engine is overloaded abnormal issue starting at 10:00:00 on 2024.3.20, and we apologize for this.

The dark side of the moon said that a number of emergency measures are already being implemented, including not limited to: 5 capacity expansions have been carried out since the abnormal increase in traffic was observed on March 20. Inference resources will continue to expand in line with traffic to accommodate the growing number of users as much as possible; a more effective SaaS traffic prioritization strategy has been designed to ensure stable calls from paying users, and is expected to be completed and launched by March 25.

Kimi is an artificial intelligence assistant developed for the Dark Side of the Moon. On March 18, Dark Side of the Moon announced a breakthrough in large model long context window technology: Kimi's smart assistant went from supporting 200,000 words directly to supporting 2 million words of ultra-long lossless context, and is now starting a “closed beta” of the product.

According to statistics from the “AI Product List”, Kimi's smart assistant received 3.05 million visits in February 2024, ranking first among the “AI ChatBots” products of big model startups; the month-on-month growth rate was 107.6%.

The “Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily” reporter experienced the 200,000 word version of Kimi's Assistant, which can summarize white papers, research reports, etc. However, it is still impossible to analyze million-word long novels, etc.


Kimi analyzes the white paper

Some industry insiders have analyzed that, like the long masterpiece “Dream of the Red Mansion,” Kimi upgraded to 2 million ultra-long text inputs. This means that AI can play characters in the book and even adapt the plot according to human imagination. The field of novels and reading apps will be completely disrupted in the future.

▍ Kimi detonates the capital market, and multiple concept stocks rise and fall

Recently, Kimi concept stocks have continued to be active. By the close of trading on March 21, many individual stocks such as Huace Film and Television, Zhangyue Technology, and Zhongguang Tianze had risen or stopped.

Earlier, it was reported that Palm Reading Technology has reached a cooperation with Dark Side of the Moon to connect Kimi's assistant. In response, the Securities Department of Zhuangyue Technology told the “Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily” reporter: In terms of large models, it previously cooperated with Minimax. Meanwhile, Assistant Kimi is still being tested and hasn't officially signed a contract yet.

The dark side of the Moon told the “Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily” reporter that Palm Reading Technology is connected to the Kimi Big Model API. Other than that, there are currently no other collaborations, and all API developers can access it.

Kimi's smart assistant has received attention from investors in the secondary market due to its good usage results.

BGI CEO Yin Ye once revealed that he is using KimI's smart assistant: “It can help us very easily to use a large number of previous characters, such as 50 articles, all of which have done biogenetic research. I threw it in and let it help me find it. Which one is right here, which one is consistent, and which one is the opposite evidence. This has greatly reduced (the burden) on our dry eye patients. Don't read the literature one by one and throw it away, because you can definitely read this article, but you haven't worked hard to read that much literature.”

The “Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily” reporter learned from brokerage practitioners, “Currently, Kimi is very popular in the secondary market community. Everyone uses it a lot because Kimi is actually a little better. It made it a story that everyone could feel.”

Minsheng Securities believes that Kimi is currently being used well in domestic models. It is recommended to focus on three main lines: continuous iteration of domestic models, and subsequent launch of multi-modal models, which is expected to empower the application level; the application level connects to models such as Kimi, bringing improvements in application effects, focusing on companies that are progressing in AI+ applications; the model, as a content production tool, is expected to bring about a significant increase in production capacity and content accuracy in many content fields such as movies, TV, short videos, games, etc. It is recommended to focus on IP reserves and film and television content production, as well as companies focusing on AI video models.

Shen Wan Hongyuan, on the other hand, said that Kimi has achieved a breakthrough in the single-point ability of long text, supporting the input of 2 million Chinese characters. In comparison, the GPT-4 Turbo-128k has about 100,000 Chinese characters, and the Claude3200K context is about 160,000 Chinese characters. Therefore, Kimi is more suitable for efficient reading, professional document interpretation, data search, data compilation and summary.

The “Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily” reporter noticed that major Internet companies are also beginning to pay attention to the opportunity of processing long documents. On March 14, Ali Tongyi Qianwen launched an AI reading assistant function. For a single document, Tongyi Qianwen can process over 10,000 pages of extremely long data, which can be converted to about 10 million words in Chinese; for multiple documents, 100 copies of data in different formats can be quickly read with one click.

“Kimi's technical threshold is really not that high, so the competition will be fierce later. However, they are running faster, and there are more new products in the future, which need to be further developed.” A brokerage analyst told the “Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily” reporter.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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