

A-share changes丨The computing power leasing sector continues to strengthen, and Qunxing Toys rises and falls

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 21 10:12
Gelonghui March 21 | Qunxing Toys went up and down, Runze Technology rose more than 15%, while Shengtian Network, State Grid Communications, Runjian Co., Ltd., Qingyun Technology, and Capital Online registered higher gains. On March 20, the Nanjing Municipal Committee and Municipal Government issued the “Implementation Opinions on Promoting the Construction of Data Infrastructure to Better Play the Role of Data Elements” (Draft for Comments). Opinions suggest that by 2025, the total scale of data centers in the city will reach 250,000 standard racks, with a total computing power exceeding 8.5E FLOPS (FP32), and the total intelligent computing power can exceed 6000P FLOPS (FP16).

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