

China Changyuan (00110): Internal control consultants have completed a review of the company's internal control system

Zhitong Finance ·  Mar 20 18:13

China Changyuan (00110) issued an announcement. The internal control consultant has completed compliance with Chapter 14 and Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules...

Zhitong Finance App News, China Changyuan (00110) issued an announcement. Internal control consultants have completed a review of the company's internal control system to comply with Chapter 14 and Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.

The Board of Directors confirmed that all recommendations of the internal control consultant have been implemented and that the internal control consultant has carried out a follow-up review on the strengthened internal control measures adopted by the Group. The Board believes that the main internal control findings have been corrected, the relevant risks have been controlled to a reasonable and acceptable level; and that the corrective actions and improvement measures implemented by the Group are sufficient to resolve the main internal control investigation findings.

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